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UC Retirees Association at Berkeley

April 2024 Report

Submitted by Patti Owen, President and
Elise Woods, Treasurer & CUCRA Representative

UCRAB Board Activities:

The UCRAB Board of Directors is seeking nominations for President, Vice President, Secretary, and-3 at-large board positions. Board Members normally serve two-year terms effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, As with many other associations, it is challenging to find retirees willing to serve in leadership positions.

Member Activities:

In addition, UCRAB currently offers virtual events featuring interesting speakers on scholarly, cultural, and topical content. We look forward to returning to hosting social events, quarterly luncheons, and day trips. As reported last time,we hosted Ford Roosevelt, the grandson of FDR. He currently serves as Director of the USS Potomac Society. We will be arranging a cruise on the bay on the Potomac sometime in the spring.

The Annual Renegade Retirees’ Picnic will once again be held at Tilden Park in July 2024. UCRAB will once again be partnering with PARRA and the ExLs to host this event.

We are happy to report that Elise Woods, the current Treasurer of UCRAB, has been selected to serve as an escort for the UC Retirees’ Travel program.

Looking forward, we have agreement from Chancellor Carol Christ, who is retiring this June, to speak in the Fall about her career at Berkeley and to look back at the successes and challenges she had while serving as Chancellor.


Ending the report on a high note, fund. In March 2024, UCRAB supported the Berkeley Retirement Center's participation in the campus’ Big Give fundraising event by donating $2,500 to be used as a challenge match. This money, when combined with other similar donations, significantly increased the amount of funds raised for the Center's general We once again want to thank Cary Sweeney and Camille Koue of the Berkeley Retirement Center for all their support to UCRAB. They make our work possible.

Download/view the PDF version of the University of California Retirees Association at Berkeley report.