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UC San Francisco Retirement Association Report

October 2020 Report

Submitted by Sandra Norberg, President and CUCRA Representative

  • UCSFRA Membership: UCSFRA membership has decreased since last year. We currently have over 600 paid members and as of now only 20 comp members. However, we do have a total of 2227 contacts on our mailing list. Normally we recruit new members from our New Retiree Welcome Fair. However, since the fair was virtual this year we didn't see the usual increase in members.
  • Educational Programs: We continue to offer our now monthly virtual educational programs. We have partnered with the UCB Retirement Center so the speakers are recruited from both UCSF and UCB, and retirees from both campuses are invited to attend. In the future, UC Riverside retirees will be joining us at well. In August we featured a class with a Master Gardener; in September Steven Andrews, a soil scientist from UCB spoke; and in October Dr. Andreea Seritan from UCSF spoke about resilience during challenging times. We hope to have an estate planner speak in November.
  • Monthly Activities for Members: These activities have been on hold. However, our Program Committee has suggested topics for the educational programs, and in August representatives from Fidelity gave a virtual presentation to a large audience.
  • New Retiree Welcome Fair: Our sixth annual new retiree celebration took place virtually in October. We had our usual speakers from Fidelity, the UCSF HCF Program, UCSF Fitness and Recreation, UCSF Volunteer Services, the Fromm Lifelong Learning Institute and the Osher Center at SF State. Participants also contributed information (including a video) which went up on our new Resource Board, posted on our website. Although we sent out 500 invitations to employees who retired in 2020, the attendance was down from the usual in person event. However, it went smoothly, and both the participants and the attendees were pleased.
  • UCSFRA Clubs and Interest Groups: We continue to sponsor a number of interest groups, which haven't met in person since March. However, our Hiking Group sponsored their first hike last month: it was limited to 8 participants, who had to be masked and socially distanced. A couple of the clubs--the Kitting Club and the Book Club--will be able to meet virtually.
  • UCSFRA Luncheons: UCSFRA continues to sponsor two annual luncheons: a Spring luncheon in June and a Holiday luncheon in December. Our Spring Luncheon was cancelled, but we are discussing holding a virtual "luncheon" in December. There wouldn't be any food of course, the closest thing might be a demo for a cocktail recipe. We are researching options about getting retirees together for games, discussions, etc. in break-out rooms. Will this work? Any suggestions?


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