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UCR Retirement Center Report

October 2020 Report

Cristina Otegui, Director, UCR Retirement Center

Retiree/Emeriti programs and services
The UCR Retirement Center has offered the following programs:

  • Virtual Program: Navigating Market Volatility featuring Fidelity Investments (July 2020) - The director organized a virtual webinar in partnership with Fidelity Investments to provide financial guidance such as money pitfalls and investments during the time of COVID-19.
  • Online Method of Payment Established through PayPal (continuous) - Payments for membership dues continue to be collected through PayPal or by mail.
  • Virtual Program: Technology Tuesday (Fall 2020) - UCRRA and UCREA in partnership with retirement center director secured presenter(s) and partnership with Information Technology Solutions (ITS) to lead a technology talk on the second Tuesday of each month in fall quarter (October 13: Password Management, November 10: General Security Services and December 8, UCR Email Access).
  • Virtual Program: Managing Lifestyle and Career Renewal during Retirement (November 2020) - The director secured a UCRRA member to present virtually to retirees and emeriti on navigating lifestyle and career planning during retirement.
  • Staff Assembly (SA) Service Milestone Recognition (October 2020) - The director and UCRRA has partnered with SA to celebrate recent retirees and their years of service to UCR. UCRRA members will be recognized at Staff Assembly's "Virtual" Fall General Meeting on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 and awards will be presented by UCRRA President, Mary Johnson.

Support Provided to the UCR Emeriti Association (UCREA) and UCR Retiree Association (UCRRA)

  • Virtual Program: UCR Emeriti and Retirees' Association Fall "Virtual" Luncheon (September 2020) - The director, UCREA and UCRRA organized the first virtual luncheon using Zoom on September 25, 2020. The presentation topic was the "Suffrage Movement and the Centennial of Women's Right to Vote in the U.S." featuring guest speaker Joan Donahue, President of the League of Women Voters at Riverside.
  • Virtual Program: Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professorship Lecture Series (October 2020) - In partnership with UCR Osher, Dickson award winning professors give presentations of their work, sponsored by the UCRRA and the UCREA. The director created a marketing flyer for the virtual event titled "On Human Nature: The Biology and Sociology of What Made Us Human" featuring John H. Turner, 38th University Professor of the Graduate Division, UCR.
  • Virtual Program: Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professorship Lecture Series (October 2020) - In partnership with UCR Osher, Dickson award winning professors give presentations of their work, sponsored by the UCRRA and the UCREA. The director created a marketing flyer for the virtual event titled "On Human Nature: The Biology and Sociology of What Made Us Human" featuring John H. Turner, 38th University Professor of the Graduate Division, UCR.
  • UCREA's New Distinguished Emerita-Emeritus Award Marketing (September 2020) - This new annual award will be bestowed upon those retired faculty who have set a high standard of achievement in research, teaching or service during her/his years since retirement. The director marketed the award in the summer and fall Tower Talk newsletter and sent an email announcing a call for nominations.
  • UCRRA Board Elections and Bylaws (August 2020) - Qualtrics forms for board elections and review of bylaws were created by the director to receive feedback from members who are interested in applying for board positions and/or submitting edits to revise bylaws.
  • Website Updates- Retirement center actively updates the website for both the UCRRA and UCREA associations. Recent updates to the retirees and emeriti website ( consisted of FAQ's, Resources, Open Enrollment webpage tabs and programs/events.
  • Membership Management for UCRRA and UCREA (continuous) - The retirement center continues to manage the membership lists and dues of both associations. July 1, 2020 marked the start of the new membership year for annual members. As of October 22, 2020, retirees' association has 260 (175 lifetime, 85 annual) dues paying members and emeriti association has 85 (54 lifetime, 31 annual) dues paying members.


  • University Extension Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (continuous) - The retirement center, UCREA and UCRRA partners with University Extension and the Osher program by holding the Dickson Lecture Series events, cross promoting in newsletters and announcements. Osher Annual Membership discount of $20 is offered to retirees' and emeriti for 2020-2021.
  • UCR Human Resources Benefits Office (continuous) - The benefits office supports the increase in new association membership and connects retirees with the director to learn about retirement center services, association benefits and the application process.
  • UCR Office of Development (continuous) - Ongoing meetings will continue to take place to discuss funding strategies for the retirement center.
  • Staff Assembly (SA) (continuous) - SA and the retirement center director plans to partner by adding an annual Distinguished Service Award for retirees, celebrating new retirees during service awards in Staff Assembly's general meetings, and including retirees in social activities.
  • Information Technology Solutions (ITS) (continuous) - Several initiatives are in motion to help support retirees' and emeriti such as the UCRRA Email for Retiree program that allows retirees to keep their UCR email and a new website system to be created for accepting online payments.
  • Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) (continuous) - The retirement center maintains the partnership with TAPS that offers a free red Lot parking permit to UCRRA and UCREA members.


  • Tower Talk Newsletter (Summer and Fall 2020) - COVID-19 related resources and services, virtual programs and events, health and wellness were some of the highlights that were included in the quarterly newsletters created by the director.
  • Marketing Event Flyers (continuous) - Marketing flyers are created by the retirement center director to help promote upcoming events.
  • Mailing Lists (continuous) - Retirement related information and services will continue to be sent out through the UCREA and UCRRA mailing lists.


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