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PARRA Report

October 2020 Report

Submitted by Jim Dolgonas, President, PARRA

PARRA, the President's and Regents Retirement Association, representing retirees of Office of the President and the offices of the Regents, continues to be challenged to meet the needs of local retirees.

Membership and Recruitment

PARRA continues to struggle to obtain from UCOP timely and correct information about new retirees and retiree deaths. The new UCRP system was supposed to improve the flow of information but instead up until now the flow of information from the UCRP has essentially stopped. The President of PARRA has raised this issue to the Interim VP of HR.

Association Activities

PARRA's planned Spring luncheon, scheduled for late March, was canceled due to the pandemic. A Zoom session is scheduled for November 18, in lieu of a luncheon with a speaker.

Association Member Benefits

The Berkeley Retirement Center has extended to UCOP/Regents retirees benefits available to campus retirees.

A major benefit PARRA provides to retirees is advocacy on their behalf. Particularly because of issues with the new Redwood and UCRays administrative systems, PARRA has intervened on behalf of members PARRA to obtain needed services.

Plans for the Future

When the pandemic subsides, PARRA will continue to offer multiple speaker luncheons and volunteer activities each year. Importantly PARRA will continue to advocate for equity in health insurance rates for retirees; for continued choice in health insurance plans, including the continuation of PPO plans; and, for clear and complete communication of health insurance choices.

PARRA, in coordination with other Retiree Associations, is hoping to conduct a survey of health insurance experience, both good and bad, across all retiree plans.


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