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PARRA Report

April 2023 Report

Submitted by Jim Dolgonas, President, PARRA

PARRA, the President's and Regents Retirement Association, representing retirees of Office of the President and the offices of the Regents, has begun to offer its speaker events as in person luncheons again.

Membership and Recruitment

PARRA continues to struggle to obtain from UCOP timely and correct information about new retirees. However, recently UCOP does provide Universitywide death reports to PARRA.

Association Activities

PARRA held two in person luncheons this year. One was outdoor and the second, held on April 20, 2023, was held indoors. Dean of Berkeley Law Chemerinski was our speaker.

PARRA also held a volunteer work session at a local food bank in March.

Association Member Benefits

The Berkeley Retirement Center has extended to UCOP/Regents retirees benefits available to campus retirees, except for access to some library privileges.

A major benefit PARRA provides to retirees is advocacy on their behalf. Since the last report there have been many instances where PARRA was asked to advocate for a retiree and in other cases PARRA has raised issues to UCOP on behalf retirees.

Plans for the Future

UCOP retirees now are able to obtain health care facilitator support from a dedicated staff member, the same as available to campuses.

PARRA will need to find a new location for its luncheon meetings as the current location has raised prices to a level that is not acceptable. PARRA recently received the results of a survey of its members and will consider the results when planning future activities.


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