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Laboratory Retiree Group
Los Alamos National Laboratory

April 2021 Report

Submitted by Patricia Wing, CUCRA Representative

The Laboratory Retiree Group (LRG) has a membership of about 800 with approximately 300 living in the Los Alamos area. Membership includes UC retirees, later Los Alamos National Security-Triad retirees, and CalPERS (California Public Employee Retirement System) retirees. An estimated 600 members are UC retirees. Only a minority of individuals retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory were UC employees; security and site maintenance, for instance, are employees of another of the Department of Energy subcontractors.


Retirement LRG activities center around informing members of what is happening with their retirement benefits and how to deal with the various benefit entities, updates in retirement considerations applicable to all retirees, a list of UC retiree deaths, and current Los Alamos news that keeps the distant network of retirees informed about Los Alamos. Retirement benefits, "In Memoriam," and Los Alamos updates are the top three items of interest to retirees. Newsletters are mailed to all members three times a year. The LRG does not send out e-newsletters.

Other activities consist of keeping up to date with Laboratory continuance of retiree medical and legal benefits programs, changes and options in those programs, and contact information about benefits and retirement assistance sources. The LRG maintains personal telephone assistance to LRG members and nonmember retirees regarding health and other benefits, and encourages of DOE and Laboratory community presentations to update retirees regarding their benefits. Retiree benefits assistance is not a feature of the Laboratory benefits office.


Scholarship support is consistent and strong. The LRG maintains an annual LANL Workforce Retirees scholarship for high school seniors in Los Alamos and nearby communities.


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