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UC Santa Barbara Retirement Association Report

April 2022 Report

Submitted by Robert Mann, CUCRA Representative

Membership (including recruitment and marketing)
Membership fell substantially during the pandemic, from a high of 369 in April 2020 to a low of 145 in October 2020, but these numbers have been improving during 2021, increasing to 206 in September and 284 in April 2022. The annual membership fee is $15.

Association's activities (picnics, luncheons, lectures, etc.)
Most of our activities had to be canceled during the pandemic, however our board continued meeting by Zoom and recently resumed live meetings. Our Center Coordinator Ellen Pasternack and Association President Sandy Camp continues to communicate with members through on-line newsletters and direct e-mails.

Normally, the Association's activities include a wide range of functions, including monthly speaker meetings, tours, Spring and Fall lectures (held jointly with the emeriti), a Chancellor's Reception for New Retirees (held in May), as well as a June Members' barbecue. Most of these had to be put on hold during the pandemic, but our New Retirees' Reception will resume in the fall. Now that the pandemic restrictions have eased, several lectures, webinars and trips are being planned for the near future and we hope to hold the annual summer barbecue Lunch in June.

Member Benefits (parking, discounts, etc.)
Membership benefits include free parking on campus, access to the university library, discounted use of the Recreational Center, as well as discounts at the UCSB Bookstore and discounted tickets for many off-campus activities. Understandably, few of these benefits were utilized during the Covid-19 pandemic, but the Association continues to offer two scholarships to needy students at UCSB.

Status of the Retirement Center
We don't have assigned space for a "Retirement Center" at UCSB, but HR provides office space for our 50% time Center Coordinator and access to a room that's formally designated as the "Retiree/Emeriti Meeting Room".

Plans for the next year or two.
In addition to the challenges brought on by the pandemic over the last 2years, our Emeriti/Retiree Center Co-ordinator unexpectedly resigned in April 2021; but things are looking much better for the next 18 months. A new Center Co-ordinator (Ellen Pasternack) was appointed in August and has made a great start, many interesting speaker programs and tours are now being planned for the coming months, and our colleagues in the emeriti have elected an energetic new board. All in all, there's a new momentum at UCSB, and we hope to continue broadening the scope of programs and activities offered to make retirement a more meaningful, rewarding and stimulating experience for UCSB retirees.


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