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UC Riverside Retirees' Association
UCRRA Bylaws Report to CUCRA

At the October 2022 CUCRA meeting, the UC Riverside Retirees' Association (UCRRA) disclosed that it was reviewing its bylaws for possible revisions in order to align the document with its current practices and the best practices of retirees' associations. Member retirees' associations were asked to share their current bylaws with UCR and requested that any documents received be shared with the group in return.

It is a pleasure to announce that a small committee of the UCRRA agreed upon significant updates to the Association's bylaws and those revisions were adopted by the membership at a Special Bylaws Meeting on April 11, 2023. As promised, a copy of those revised bylaws (PDF) is included with this report. Additionally, a document delineating the changes (PDF) made to the previous UCRRA Bylaws is attached. And, the bylaws documents we received from the following UC retirees' associations are included on the CUCRA website. Those include documents from the following associations:

The UCRRA wishes to thank the CUCRA member associations for providing their bylaws.